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Medical Weight Loss

New Life Medical & Aesthetics

Bariatric Surgeon & Aesthetics located in Bakersfield, CA

We are proud to now offer NON-SURGICAL Medical Weight Loss services to our patients! This includes the use of the new GLP-1 (Ozempic, Wygovy, Mounjaro, Zepbound) medications along with other proven medications to assist with healthy weight loss.

Our Multi-Modal Approch to Weight Loss

Obesity is a lifelong condition. Over years people have tried pure diet exercise, the success rate of only about 5%. Others who undergo surgery alone without healthy lifestyle change also have an over 50% chance of regaining their weight.

Our philosophy at NewLife Medical is that neither approach works well alone and the combination of weight loss surgery combined with life-long lifestyle, modification will lead to the best results and the greatest health benefits.

Not everyone is a candidate for weight loss surgery, but most everyone is a candidate for lifestyle modification. This is the core principle by which we treat our patients.

Whether you are considering weight loss, surgery, or want a less invasive approach to health, come see us and let the weight loss experts guide you to a healthier life!

Call to book an Appointment with us Now!

(661) 447-4559