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Food Network: 11 Healthy-Eating Myths That Just Aren’t True

Some interesting facts in this article… though I disagree with a few of the points, it’s overall is a great example of how “Healthy Eating” May not be what we have been told it is! The truth is out there! Keep digging! – Dr. Naik

There’s so much advice floating around on what to eat (and not eat), it can be hard to sift out the truth. We asked five dietitians to tell us which healthy eating myths drive them crazy—and why they’re not true. Myth #1: Carbs are bad for you. Truth: Carbohydrates are essential to a healthy diet, providing energy for your whole body. But it’s best to get carbs from healthy, minimally processed foods, like fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grains and dairy. We Americans tend to eat more Read the full story


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