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How to Care for Your Skin After Laser Hair Removal

Getting rid of unsightly hair has challenged humans for ages, leading to the use of sharp implements and barbaric techniques that slice, yank, and burn. Fortunately, 21st-century technology allows you to ditch the old ways and switch to a safer, more humane approach — laser hair removal.

You can eliminate hair from virtually any place on your body at New Life Aesthetics in Bakersfield, California. Dr. Nirav Naik and our team have extensive experience using the Icon® laser hair removal system by Cynosure®

This advanced technology uses powerful laser energy to target the pigment in your hair follicles below the skin’s surface. The laser gently heats and destroys the follicles so they no longer produce hair. 

We also use the revolutionary, FDA-cleared Skintel® melanin reader, which enables us to accurately determine your skin type and melanin density for more precise and efficient treatment, regardless of ethnicity, redness, and other tone variables.

While the Icon laser system delivers excellent results on its own, you can boost the effects by following these simple dos and don’ts while caring for your skin after your treatment.

Do this after your laser hair removal treatment

If you opt for laser hair removal, you need more than one treatment — most people undergo about six sessions with 4-6 weeks between each. Here are some practical tips to keep your skin in top shape after and between treatments. 

Avoid direct sunlight

Laser hair removal increases your skin’s sensitivity, so it’s best to stay out of the sun for a while. That doesn’t mean you can’t go outside, but it does mean you should protect your skin from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Do your best to avoid the peak hours of intense sunlight, wear protective clothing like long sleeves and pants, and use broad-spectrum sunscreen, even on cloudy days. 

Use cool compresses

While laser hair removal isn’t painful, it can cause mild redness and irritation immediately afterward. A cool washcloth or bag of frozen peas wrapped in a paper towel reduces these temporary symptoms.

Think twice about shaving

Your first laser hair removal session removes all of the visible hair in the treatment area, so you shouldn’t feel the need to shave, but if you do, wait until the redness and swelling have subsided.

Because your initial laser hair removal session only tackles about 10%-25% of your unwanted hair, you’ll notice new hairs cropping up as they enter the active stage of your hair growth cycle. Dr. Naik advises you about when to shave and stop shaving according to your treatment schedule. Eventually, laser hair removal eliminates your need to shave altogether.

Get pain relief when you need it

Although most people tolerate the mild symptoms well, others have a higher sensitivity level and need some extra help to overcome the discomfort. In addition to cool compresses, you can use an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Tylenol® or Advil®, to reduce pain and inflammation. Dr. Naik may also prescribe a topical steroid cream. 

Don’t do this after laser hair removal

Our list of dont’s is pretty short, and they all fall under the category of common sense. Essentially, we recommend that you avoid things that will irritate your skin, including:

If you have laser hair removal treatment in your underarm area, Dr. Naik lets you know how long you should avoid using deodorant or antiperspirant.

Getting great results from laser hair removal is easy when you follow these pro tips, and living with smooth, hairless skin is even easier. To schedule a laser hair removal treatment, call New Life Aesthetics today.

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