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The Beauty Benefits of Botox® and Fillers

As soon as you start looking into ways to smooth your wrinkles and restore the youthful look of your skin, Botox® and dermal fillers dominate your search and appear in your social media feeds. While clever algorithms may explain the barrage of pop-ups, these two beauty treatments have earned their place at the top of your search engine for good reasons. 

In the right hands, Botox and dermal fillers have the power to solve multiple common cosmetic complaints. Dr. Nirav Naik at New Life Aesthetics in Bakersfield, California, helps women and men turn back the clock without surgery, using these safe and effective injectables. Here’s what you need to know.

The difference between Botox and fillers

While both Botox and dermal fillers are both injectable treatments, their ingredients and their approach are very different.


Did anyone ever tell you, “If you keep making that face, it’s going to freeze like that”? They weren’t wrong. Every time you smile, frown, or grimace, your facial muscles flex and your skin folds. Over time, your skin loses the ability to return to its original place, and the lines remain. These are called dynamic wrinkles, due to the muscle movement that causes them.

Botox specializes in erasing dynamic wrinkles by relaxing the muscles just under your skin and stopping the constant creasing that causes those deep lines to set into your forehead and around your eyes and mouth. 

Dermal fillers

Static wrinkles, another type of aging skin issue, occur when your skin loses fat and moisture. Dermal fillers add volume back to your face, plumping up the surface and smoothing out the wrinkles. Made with hyaluronic acid (HA), a substance your body naturally produces, dermal fillers can replace your sunken cheeks and crepey complexion with softer, more supple skin. 

Because HA attracts and retains much-needed moisture, your skin takes on a healthy glow. Bonus: Dermal filler injections also trigger your skin to increase its production of collagen, the protein responsible for your skin’s structure and resilience.

The beauty perks of Botox and fillers

Even though these two treatments address different problems, the good news is that you don't have to choose one or the other — they work great together. In tandem, the two offer a long list of beauty benefits, including:

Depending on which product you use and in which combination, your natural-looking results can last up to two years. Choosing Botox and dermal fillers together even prolongs the effectiveness of your treatment — because HA tends to break down with movement, and Botox reduces movement.

Dr. Naik is highly skilled and experienced in administering both Botox and dermal fillers and knows how to target individual muscles and facial areas at precise depths to achieve the best results. You’ll never look frozen or overfilled, just refreshed and natural.

To learn more about Botox, dermal fillers, or the rest of our full line of aesthetic treatments, call us to schedule an appointment today. 

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